Sunday, May 23, 2010

Your Health, Your Cleaners- The FACTS

Did you know?

• Ingredients in common household cleaners can harm your health and the health of your

• The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of all cancers are environmentally related.

• Cleaning chemicals can cause headaches, asthma, burns, permanent eye damage, major organ damage, and even cancer.

• The World Health Organization estimates that 30% of all buildings experience indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. Cleaning products can be a key contributor.

• A fetus may come into contact with an endocrine-disrupting chemical while still in the womb, but problems such as birth defects, infertility and learning disabilities may not show up until much later.

• Manufacturers are not required to list ingredients that make up less than 0.1% of listed carcinogens or 1% of listed OSHA chemicals.

• The World Health Organization states that indoor air pollution is attributable to the deaths of 1.6 million people per year – one death every 20 seconds.

* More than 9 out of every 10 suspected poison exposures occur at home with household products

* Women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who work outside the home.

Many household products contain organ damage, and even cancer. pesticidal and toxic ingredients that can be harmful to humans, animals, or the environment. -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Is your product truly "Green"?
  1. Does the company promote eliminating packaging waste & eliminating greenhouse gas? Cleaners that come in super-concentrated form—where you add your own water (saves $$$ too)—ex) drops + water= 1 bottle of cleaner.  Cleaners that are Organic—this is important—no chemicals on the materials that compose the cleaner.
  2.   Seek out products that are….

    1. ·  Nontoxic
      ·  No harmful fumes
      ·  Hypoallergenic
      ·  No volatile organic cleaning compounds
      ·  Formulated without hazardous chemicals such as:
      1.     Kerosene
      2.     Phenol
      3.     Cresol
      4.     Lye
      5.     Hydrochloric Acid
      6.     Sulfuric Acid
      7.     Sulfamic Acid
      8.     Petroleum distillates
      9.     Ammonia
      10.   Sodium hydroxide
      11.  Butyl cellosolve
      12.  Phosphoric Acid
      13.  Formaldehyde
      14.  Chlorine Bleach
      15.  Morpholine

      For a true green cleaners that work and saves money click here.

      1. Landrigan PJ, Garg A. Chronic effects of toxic environmental exposures on children's
      health. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 2002;40(4):449-56
      2. Rumchev K, Spickett J, Bulsara M, Phillips M, Stick S. Association of domestic exposure
      to volatile organic compounds with asthma in young children. Thorax. 2004
      3. Medina-Ramón M, Zock JP, Kogevinas M, Sunyer J, Antó JM Asthma symptoms in
      women employed in domestic cleaning: a community based study. Thorax. 2003
      4. Casas X, Monsó E, Orpella X, Hervás R, González JA, Arellano E, Martínez C, Martínez
      G, Ascosa A, Comín J, Ruiz R, Monsó B, Casas I, Esteve M, Morera J. [Incidence and
      characteristics of adult-onset asthma]. Arch Bronconeumol. 2008 Sep;44(9):471-7

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