Monday, October 26, 2009

Bad Sugar, Good Sugar, Healthier Ways to Feeling Better

Image on left, goes with this discussion.  Natural verses unnatural.  Yummy sugar is found in fruits and veggies.  It provides us all sorts of good nutrition including natural sugar, fiber, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.  Too many times do we reach for the chocolate bar- while just one small square of a Hersey bar contains bad sugar, wax, chemicals, and some antioxidants.  Candy and junk food in general pretty much is absorbed directly on our tongue straight into the blood stream, while fruit and veggies go through the entire digestive process ending up depositing nutrients along the way--mostly in our colon- where the best nutrients are then absorbed. 

When we eat candy and junk food we end up on this roller coaster for blood sugar (highlighted in red).  This creates very high levels responses of: anxiety, depression, dizzy, headaches/migraines, tingly feeling, allergies get worse, spacey, ADD, ADHD, panic attacks, etc.  When we are coming down from the sugar (sometime identified as 'food coma') we experience the following: fear, confusion, tiredness, cravings, suicidal thoughts, hungry, phobias, clamy skin, nightmares, heart palpitations, etc.  Not to mention being on this roller coaster puts us in high risk for diabetes and the inability to lose weight.

Essentially what is happening when we eat bad foods (high in sugar, fat, salt, etc) our cells crave begin to crave these things all the time, but at higher levels- as if we are building up a tolerance.  Each cell has this spot, almost like a door where insulin naturally enters, but when we bombard our system with sugar constantly, the door can't open because of the sugar levels, so when the sugar levels drop this creates more insulin to rush in, but then at this point there is not enough sugar so levels drop making the body crave more sugar.  This also throws the adrenal glands off-- stress also contributes to this. 

5 things people are going to crave going through this cycle
1. Sugar
2. Simple Carbs
3. Caffine
4. Nicotine
5. Alcohol
6. Drugs

To quite all this and to get back on the good foods will take 3 weeks without cheating.  The key is fruit- fiber helps slow down sugar. Best things to do:
1. Raw Protein
2. Fiber
3. Excersise
4. Vitamins and Minerals
5. Enzymes

* All these should be in the most natural/ raw form as possible.

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