Thursday, June 3, 2010

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Your Health, Your Cleaners- The FACTS

Did you know?

• Ingredients in common household cleaners can harm your health and the health of your

• The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of all cancers are environmentally related.

• Cleaning chemicals can cause headaches, asthma, burns, permanent eye damage, major organ damage, and even cancer.

• The World Health Organization estimates that 30% of all buildings experience indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. Cleaning products can be a key contributor.

• A fetus may come into contact with an endocrine-disrupting chemical while still in the womb, but problems such as birth defects, infertility and learning disabilities may not show up until much later.

• Manufacturers are not required to list ingredients that make up less than 0.1% of listed carcinogens or 1% of listed OSHA chemicals.

• The World Health Organization states that indoor air pollution is attributable to the deaths of 1.6 million people per year – one death every 20 seconds.

* More than 9 out of every 10 suspected poison exposures occur at home with household products

* Women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who work outside the home.

Many household products contain organ damage, and even cancer. pesticidal and toxic ingredients that can be harmful to humans, animals, or the environment. -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Is your product truly "Green"?
  1. Does the company promote eliminating packaging waste & eliminating greenhouse gas? Cleaners that come in super-concentrated form—where you add your own water (saves $$$ too)—ex) drops + water= 1 bottle of cleaner.  Cleaners that are Organic—this is important—no chemicals on the materials that compose the cleaner.
  2.   Seek out products that are….

    1. ·  Nontoxic
      ·  No harmful fumes
      ·  Hypoallergenic
      ·  No volatile organic cleaning compounds
      ·  Formulated without hazardous chemicals such as:
      1.     Kerosene
      2.     Phenol
      3.     Cresol
      4.     Lye
      5.     Hydrochloric Acid
      6.     Sulfuric Acid
      7.     Sulfamic Acid
      8.     Petroleum distillates
      9.     Ammonia
      10.   Sodium hydroxide
      11.  Butyl cellosolve
      12.  Phosphoric Acid
      13.  Formaldehyde
      14.  Chlorine Bleach
      15.  Morpholine

      For a true green cleaners that work and saves money click here.

      1. Landrigan PJ, Garg A. Chronic effects of toxic environmental exposures on children's
      health. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 2002;40(4):449-56
      2. Rumchev K, Spickett J, Bulsara M, Phillips M, Stick S. Association of domestic exposure
      to volatile organic compounds with asthma in young children. Thorax. 2004
      3. Medina-Ramón M, Zock JP, Kogevinas M, Sunyer J, Antó JM Asthma symptoms in
      women employed in domestic cleaning: a community based study. Thorax. 2003
      4. Casas X, Monsó E, Orpella X, Hervás R, González JA, Arellano E, Martínez C, Martínez
      G, Ascosa A, Comín J, Ruiz R, Monsó B, Casas I, Esteve M, Morera J. [Incidence and
      characteristics of adult-onset asthma]. Arch Bronconeumol. 2008 Sep;44(9):471-7

Friday, May 21, 2010

B all you can Vitamin B

What constitutes a good B-Complex supplement? There are some rules. These rules are not cheap to follow, however they do let us know whether or not the product we are evaluating has any value. Certainly this short article cannot begin to cover all the issues, and so I'll try to cover just a few of the most important ones.

First, lets look at the composition. There are eight known B vitamins, and the good products have all eight. Not only do quality products have all eight present, but they also have these eight nutrients in a somewhat balanced form. B vitamins are competitive in the body, and it is  important that the balance exists.   Correct balance should be: Thiamin (as thiamin monoontrate) 20.25 mg, Riboflavin 23mg, Niacin (as niacinamide) 270mg, Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 27mg, Folate (as folic acid) 400 mcg, Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 81 mcg, Biotin (as d-biotin) 300 mcg, and Panthothenic Acid (a d-calcium pantothenate).  We used to see products in the drug store that would have zero amounts of the expensive components and 6000% of the less expensive components. Make certain yours is balanced.

Now, what about bioavailability? This is a measure of what happens to a nutrient (or medicinal) when consumed by someone. Does it get passed through the system untouched, or does it get into the blood stream in the correct amount? Make sure the product's scientists spend a lot of time and money making certain that the products we consume including B- Complex do exactly what they are supposed to do.

A perfect example of this occurred when Shaklee recently reformulated our B-Complex. They tested comparable products from several other manufacturers looking for the bioavailability of the folic acid portion. What they found was that in all other products the folic acid was not available at the labeled amount. Some had no folic acid at all even though the label indicated they did. Folic acid is hard to get into the blood stream and Shaklee found a way to overcome this obstacle they put the folic acid in the coating. Now when you take a Shaklee B-Complex, you are assured of getting what the label says you should get. Folic acid is an important compound that is highly effective in preventing birth defects, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. It has been clearly
demonstrated that $20 billion in hospital charges alone could be saved every year if women of childbearing are were to supplement with zinc and folic  acid! It is so important that it is one of the few nutrients that the federal government mandates it be added to certain foods. These protective effects are even more pronounced when folic acid is combined with high levels of vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12. It is now proven that B-6 and B-12 markedly reduce (by 1/3) the risk of
heart disease.

B-complex deficiency has also been linked to Crohns Disease, Alzheimers Disease, mental depression, Parkinsons Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, hearing loss, and kidney disease. 

With this in mind, Shaklee B-Complex is certainly included in our daily regimen of nutritional supplementation. Maybe it should be in yours too.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Nature's Harvest....The Best that Sun & Soil Have to Offer

Alfalfa- The Father of all food.  Alfalfa is very valuable for its vitamin content.  It contains about 8000 international units of Vitamin A for every hundred grams.  This compares favorably with apricots (7000 units per 100 grams) with beef liver (9000 units per 100 grams).  In addition, alfalfa is a good source of pyridoxine, one of the B vitamins, and vitamin E, whose great importance for the health of muscles and heart is well known.  Alfalfa is regarded as the most reliable source of Vitamin E for herbivorous animals.  In addition, it is extremely rich in Vitamin K, ranking along with spinach, kale, and carrot tops.

Alfalfa roots absorb many precious natural minerals which make this plant a Miraculous Treasure of Health-giving Nutrients: the roots of the alfalfa plant burrow in the soil by nature.  These roots absorb these minerals which are nourishment for plant; such as minerals as well as vitamins are transported throughout the entire plant, into the seeds, the stem and the leaves.

Mineral deficiency diseases that Alfalfa can help with:
Acidosis, Acid Reflux, Acne, Anemia, Arthritis, Asthma, Blood Pressure, Bladder trouble--including UTI's ; other infections, Boils, Bronchitis, Constipation, Cysts- fluid filled, Diabetes, Digestive disorders, Eye Sight Failing- Cataracts, Falling Hair out, Fingernails- thin- hard brittle, Gall bladder, Goitre, Hardening of Arteries, Hay Fever, Joints, Kidney issues, Low Vitality--lack of pep, Nervousness, Obesity, Prostrate Gland, Poor Circulation, Stomach alcers, Teeth & Gums, and Undernourished children. 
*Also helps with immune system function.  

Today more and more people are looking to prevent disease, alfalfa offers many benefits.  Be careful when choosing an alfalfa product, many products heat the alfalfa causing the killing of its natural enzymes.  For a product that doesn't heat click here.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Help! Allergy Season is Here!

Allergic disorders affect an estimated 1 in 5 adults and children (40 to 50 million people) and are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States, according to the Allergy Report from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAI).

What Are Allergies?
Allergies are the immune system's inappropriate response to a foreign substance, called an allergen. Exposure to what is normally a harmless substance, such as pollen, causes the immune system to react as if the substance were harmful. Being exposed to allergens when the body's defenses are low or weak, may also contribute to the development of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) symptoms. Sneezing, congestion, itchy, watery nose and eyes and/or asthma symptoms such as wheezing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing and coughing, are no fun. We’ve all seen the many commercials for various prescription drugs, but is that the only answer?

Factors That Weaken Your Immune System:
Sugar/Alcohol        Over exposure to toxins
Poor diet                Lack of rest
Aging                     Genetics
Stress - emotional, physical (depletes B, C, Zinc)
Nutritional deficiencies (B, C, Zinc)

Are there Natural Solutions to Allergies?
Yes. By strengthening your immune system, you can replenish your body’s own arsenal of defenses.

Factors That Strengthen Your Immune System:

  • Healthy diet … lots of fresh vegetables ( 50% of diet ), fish and poultry and as little sugar, wheat and baked goods as possible
  • 8 hours of sleep
  • Exercise
  • Nutritional Supplementation
Most people who suffer with allergy and sinus problems feel they must resort to using medications that have unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. For those who may be interested in safer, more natural alternatives, some of the following premium products by Shaklee may be of interest.  (Or the brand of your choice - but they must be good quality products to be effective).

Premium Garlic Complex
Retaining all the potency of l clove of fresh raw garlic without the odor. Garlic is traditionally used for its
anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. People often take it to reduce symptoms of allergy, asthma, colds, flu, sinus infections, yeast infections, diarrhea & flatulence. It also has heart protective properties of lowering elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels.*

Sustained Release Vita C
For continuous antioxidant protection against environmental assaults, this unique all-natural sustained formula
slowly releases Vitamin C into your blood stream over a 5-hour period and provides nutrients from the entire
vitamin C complex including bioflavonoids. Vitamin C has been found to protect against smog, smoke, and poor diet, stress, bruising, varicose and spider veins, chronic infection, allergies, asthma, colds, flu, swollen glands, anemia, colon polyps and slow healing.*

Developed and extensively tested by immunologists in Japan, this proprietary blend of natural plant extracts is
derived from pumpkin seeds, safflower flowers, plantago seeds and Japanese honeysuckle flower buds. Nutriferon supports and stimulates the immune system by increasing the activity of macrophages (white blood cells) and inducing natural interferon production. It optimizes the body’s immune response against environmental irritants and airborne substances (as with allergies and asthma). Completely safe – no adverse reactions to these plant extracts recorded.*

Optiflora:  Two-Product Daily Colon Care System
There appears to be a surprising correlation between symptoms of upper respiratory congestion and sinus discomfort and poor elimination in the lower intestines… often associated with an overgrowth of the Candida yeast organisms.  An increasing number of Americans suffer from Candida when the essential friendly microbes nature intended to reside in our intestines get destroyed by medications such as antibiotics, steroid-based drugs (e.g. asthma medications), oral contraceptives and more. Couple this with a culture so entrenched in sweets, breads, baked goods, chips and snacks that are the favorite foods of the Candida organisms…..Scientists now believe 70% of the immune system is located in the gut … a good place to start to strengthen our immune system against allergic reactions.

Start with just the Optiflora capsule … a patented technology that allows the very fragile probiotics to pass through the highly acidic stomach protected by a triple encapsulation so they arrive exactly at the right location in the lower intestines.*

The Optiflora powder (prebiotic formula) is a specialized food that will enhance the growth of the friendly microbes.*

Zinc Complex—essential for the immune system,, zinc is often deficient in American diets. It is lost with perspiration and stress. Classic zinc deficiency symptoms are loss of taste, smell and appetite ( common after illness or chemotherapy), slow healing, prostate problems, delayed sexual maturity, infertility, cataracts and acne ( one study showed an 85% reduction in acne scars in 4 weeks.*

Alfalfa –With deep roots extending 10 to 20 feet into the soil, this amazing plant is rich in trace minerals, protein and contains 8 digestive enzymes. Recognized as a natural anti-histamine, allergy sufferers report good results from taking 3 or 4 of the little compressed sun-dried leaf tablets … containing no pesticides, fungicides, growth regulators or synthetic hormones. Other popular uses for alfalfa are swelling, pain and stiff joints, ulcers, stomach ailments, hiatal hernia, water retention, gout, body odor, and bad breath.*

Defend & Resist Complex
Contains Echinacea,.. . which activates the immune system, promotes production of white blood cells, enhances resistance to infection, viral and bacterial, anti-inflammatory, promotes wound healing, reduces mucous, relieves boils, gangrene, ulcerations, bites, abscesses, fights candida. Also contains larchtree extract and elderberry to surround viruses and help prevent their reproduction. Best taken at onset of a virus… Can be sucked as a zinc lozenge or made into a tea. Very soothing to sore throats.*

Reduce Exposure to Toxins
In addressing allergy and sinus problems, a two-fold approach is usually recommended: 1) strengthening the immune system (as discussed above), and 2) avoiding products that could aggravate allergy and sinus conditions such as certain foods and cleaning products. Many cleaning products not only irritate the skin, but their odors can aggravate upper respiratory problems.

Because the brain is the most sensitive organ in the body, many experts recommend eliminating foods and environmental irritants that could create brain allergies. (Doris Rapp, M.D. “Is This Your Child’s World?”) Using Shaklee cleaning and personal care products may be helpful as they are based on a philosophy of “Living in Harmony with Nature.”

Get Clean Starter Kit – Step one in reducing toxins in and around our living space is to remove all toxic cleaning products from the home ..and replace them with the non-toxic, earth-friendly Get Clean Product line. These are remarkably effective yet inexpensive cleaners. They can be purchased individually or in the most popular Get Clean Starter Kit.

The kit includes products for the kitchen, the bathroom and the laundry; in particular, fragrance-free dryer sheets made from vegetables and biodegradable… a pint of Basic H2 that makes 48 gallons of all purpose cleaner for about $10 and Scour Off cleanser for pots and pans and stove tops in the kitchen and tile cleaning in the bathroom. Kosher certified.

Basic-G Highly Concentrated Germicide

Disinfectant, no cresol (easily absorbed by the skin, causes digestive disturbances, nervous disorders, mental changes, skin eruptions and jaundice). Kills parvovirus, feline leukemia, distemper virus and the AIDS virus on surfaces. Note: for allergy and sinus relief in the winter when it’s dry, remember to use a humidifier with a few drops of Basic-G to inhibit bacterial growth.*

If you are interested in tackling you allergy issues using a natural approach, please contact me to set up a consultation.

Monday, April 12, 2010

FDA Survey Data on Lead in Women's and Children's Vitamins

When I talk to people about supplements, one of the things I mention is the importance of knowing who makes them.  For one thing, you want to be sure that they are using quality ingredients.  If you click on the link below, you will see a long list of supplements that contain lead.  If yours is on that list, you may want to consider trying something else.  My vitamins are from a 54 year-old company with a stellar reputation in the industry, and I can assure you,  they do not contain lead.

Survey Data on Lead in Women's and Children's Vitamins

I hope you will share this information with your friends too.  No one needs extra lead in their bodies!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Water Is Just Water

Here is Dr. Stephen Cheney's enlightening discussion about the bogus claims of "super" bottled waters:

It's bad enough that some people are paying a premium price for bottled water that isn't required to be any better than tap water...
...but the latest fad appears to be things like "alkaline" water and "ionized" water...
...and these "super" waters come with a really hefty price tag.

If you believed the hype behind these products you would think that they were revolutionary advances that will cure all sorts of ills.  But the truth is that those enticing claims are completely bogus.  They contradict the basic laws of chemistry and biochemistry.  More importantly, there are no good quality clinical studies showing that they work!

Let's start with alkaline water - but first a bit of background information.

Pure water has a pH of around 7, which is neutral.  However, if the water is exposed to air for any length of time it picks up CO2 from the atmosphere. The CO2 dissolves in the water and is converted to carbonic acid making most sources of pure water slightly acidic.

On the other hand, if metal salts are dissolved in the water it generally becomes slightly alkaline.

Now the questions that we might ask are:

1) Does alkalinizing the body have any health benefits?

In the 1930s Otto Warburg, one of the founders of modern biochemistry, showed that cancer cells were much more dependent on glucose (blood sugar) as an energy source than were most other cells in the body and that cancer cells metabolized that glucose in a way that made the cancer cells very acidic.

That information languished for many years, but interest in the "Warburg Hypothesis" has been revived in recent years by studies showing that cancer cells can be selectively killed by limiting their source of glucose.

In theory, making the body more alkaline would also slow the growth of the cancer cells. There is some evidence to support that hypothesis, but the evidence is still relatively weak.

It is the same with the other proposed health benefits of alkalinizing the body. There is some evidence out there, but it is not yet convincing.

As a scientist I'm keeping on open mind, but I'm not ready to "bet the farm" on it.

2) Can alkaline water alkalinize the body?

Here the answer is a clear cut NO!

The body has a very strong buffer system and some elaborate metabolic controls to maintain a near- constant neutral pH.  Water is such a weak buffer that it has almost no effect on body pH!

If you really want to alkalinize your body you can do that by eating more of the alkaline foods (most fruits (including citrus fruits) and most vegetables (except the starchy vegetables), peas, beans, lentils, seeds & nuts) and less of the acidic foods (grains (especially refined grains), meat (especially red meat), fish, poultry and eggs).

I've seen some experts recommend 60% alkaline foods and 40% acidic foods.  I can't vouch for the validity of that recommendation in terms of the benefits of alkalinizing the body, but there are lots of other good reasons to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and less red meat and refined carbohydrates.

Ionized water is an even sillier concept from a chemical point of view.  It is very difficult to ionize pure water and the ions that you do create quickly recombine to give you pure water again without any change in pH or physical properties.

If you add sodium chloride (table salt) to the water you can get electrolysis that creates a slightly alkaline pH at one electrode and a slightly acidic pH at the other electrode.

However, as soon as you turn off the current these pH changes rapidly disappear. And even if you were somehow able to capture some of the alkaline or acidic water remember that water alone has almost no effect on body pH.

But, what about all of those glowing testimonials that you heard?  You need to remember that the placebo effect is near 50% when it comes to pain or a feeling of well being.

You can't repeal the laws of chemistry and biochemistry.  Water is, after all, just water!

Good science trumps good testimonials any day.