Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Supplement?

There are many reasons why we should consider adding nutritional supplements to our daily diet and I would like to talk about a few of them.

1. Our food isn't like it used to be. My grandparents were farmers. We ate true free-range chickens, pork and beef. And the eggs were straight from Mother Nature, too. Today, ever-increasing amounts of pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics, additives and perservatives are being added to our food supply.

2. Our food isn't like it used to be....there are ever-decreasing amounts of nutrients in our foods today. Nutrient content is lost first of all due to nutrient depletion of the soil. Secondly, early harvesting, transporting, storage, cooking, overprocessing and pasteurization further decrease the nutrient content of our food supply. I remember several years ago I was in south Florida and noticed trucks in the fields loaded to overflowing with round, green things...tomatoes! No wonder they are hard and tasteless - and nutrient poor.

Many people use the excuse that they get all they need from their diet. Do they really? Studies have been done which say that we don't. 96% of the US population dies of a disease. We are NOT getting proper nutrition. The American Medical Association says " appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements."

Today's foods may fill our stomachs, but they do not feed and fortify our cells. Is it worth the risk not to supplement?  OK, so now you have decided you want to start taking vitamins you may be wondering about what are good supplements.  Not all supplements out on the market are good supplements, in fact most are not good and can cause long term issues because they contain things synthetic (man made) ingredients while may appear to work in the beginning, cause bigger problems later.  Cheap vitamins are usually not good vitamins.  Click here to read blog on how to choose a good supplement.

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